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Skull Hands holding Wrong Side Creation Logo Brain with rainbow

Making life a bit more beautiful, one design at a time


"It's not about what we can't do, but what we haven't done yet"

Venom Mandala

It is our mission to infuse beauty into the world through bespoke designs for homes and offices. With our unique approach to color and design, we aim to introduce innovative and thought-provoking elements in every creation. Embracing challenges, we don't shy away from unexplored avenues; for us, it's not about what we can't do, but what we haven't done yet.


Meet the Founder

Joshua Soloway is the creative force and visionary founder of Wrong Side Creations. His artistic journey began in childhood, fostering a lifelong passion for transforming visions into reality through art. Joshua is a perpetual student of his craft, embracing every medium and skill as a challenge yet to be mastered. He welcomes conversations on any topic, inviting you to connect and explore the boundless possibilities of creativity.

Founder of Wrong Side Creations Joshua Soloway
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