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Writer's pictureJoshua Soloway

Pivot: When Opportunity Knocks

Fun part of owning/running your small business and making all the big decisions on your own is the ability to PIVOT. The agility to see an opportunity you can assist in and just going for it.

You will start to see a shift in the things I post, advertise, and push out. Getting to do Art in my free time and putting my personal art style is fun and an awesome hobby. It is also cool getting to do custom commissions for people which will always be out there. However, I am going to attempt to combine my passion for Art with my know-how of business and branding together.

School of orange fish going to the left, while a single blue fish going to the right
Make your own path

I noticed, more and more there are my friends, colleagues, and young people branching out and trying to do their own thing. Most of them have amazing ideas and will do amazing things. Branding is a key component to the start of that journey. Using some precut designs from free/cheap tools is the typical go-to tool for most. While these are great convenient and budget-friendly for most, these don’t always convey the vision right off the batch because you are stuck with what you find.

There are amazing small local advertising companies that are working to branch small businesses with proper branding. I am excited to see that there is a movement to help the local vendor more and more. Where I want I want to help is the even smaller movements. The vendors that are doing this in their free time, in their farmer markets, vendor markets, craft shows, YouTube channels, etc. Those who don’t think they can get a professional look to their branding in the beginning.

In some of the next couple of blogs, I will go over some topics that will help dissect the areas I can help with and the areas of an up-and-coming brand you will need.

Meme of Jim Carey from dumb and dumber sticking his head out of a limo with the heading saying when you cousin finally arrives
You know you just thought of someone

If you are reading this and you just randomly thought of your distant cousin who knits, paints, bakes or is self-employed, send them my information or this blog.

At any time you can reach out or through the Contact Me form on the website.

Much Love,


Wrong side creations logo, brain with the left side colored in with rainbow

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