Writing is a bit scary. Balancing personal/ professional topics is not always the easiest for me. As an owner of Wrong Side Creation and founder of SPARC I have to put out the proper image to be respectable. But I am also human and have things to say lol!
What would you say?
I am so glad you asked, first I would tell you a story of not fitting in. I was never like my peers, from excelling through school to graduate many years earlier, to not going to college and just absorbing the knowledge I need. I never did art like other people, so I never fit in with other artists. I always have felt like a black sheep.
So I put my head down worked my jobs and made a name for myself. I stopped my passion of art and made my life about my career. Never surrounded by anyone I truly called my peer because even if we did the same thing or even they were better at it, I knew I had something I was hiding from the world.
So what happened? Looking for Community
In 2023 I decided take a leap and start venturing into the creative space after a long time. I started Wrong Side as a simple art website and showcase for what I was doing. It quickly became a graphic design company along with custom art. I found a niche where I fit in. Small businesses and startups were it, my people! Hustlers and people driven for something more than a normal 9-5. People who believed they could something with their lives.
I love my small business community. They have been a comfort in a storm of uncertainty. But something was still missing, I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.
And……. What was it?
I met this charismatic dude named Eric. A phenomenal artist, a visionary, a dreamer, and all around fantastic dude. We clicked instantly and had this chance coffee where we bitched, moaned, and complained about the art community as a whole. We were tired of these exclusive clubs on a select few could get in. That day we decided to do something about it. We said they host an art showcase. Let’s find new artists just starting, veteran artists looking for a home, wannabe artists ready to take a leap and let’s bring them together under one roof and create a community. Thus Arts and Bakes were born. We combined efforts with a local bakery that had a space to host the event. Its was amazing we showed 10 artists on the first show.
3 months later we showed 13 artists, 3 months after that 15 artists. A community is being built, 82 members and counting. We have showed 10 brand new artists which is amazing. Each show has also given us the opportunity to give back by raffling off art for charity.
This led to the natural second step, let’s make this group official. SPARC was born, Supporting Passion in Art, Relations, and Creativity. This is no normal group we have big plans for it. We are currently working through the process of becoming a 501c3 and becoming a nonprofit organization with charity as our backbone. Our board is myself, Eric, and his wonderful brand new wife Stephanie (if y’all read this hey and congrats)!
We are building what we felt was lacking. I am finding my community after years of searching.
I say all of this to encourage you to join something bigger than you, and if you can’t find something to stand with build it yourself!
Strive to be better daily! It’s a journey not a destination.
If any of this touches you and makes you feel warm and gooey, let me know. If you want to chat I am always available!